Tag: breathing

Tai Chi Stress Managment

sounds in qigong

Understanding stress Stress is one thing. “Stress is anything that disturbs your equilibrium.” -Psychology Today Our bodies respond to these disruptions the same no matter what the source. The body responds with physical tension (prepare to fight or run even though that’s almost never the right response). Your awareness tightens and locks on the trigger… Read more »

3 Meditation Relaxation Exercises

What are the Health Benefits of Tai Chi?

First, start these relaxation exercises by establishing a deep relaxed breath. Inhale and bring in as much air as possible without making yourself tight. Then exhale and let yourself melt releasing every ounce of tension in your body. This exercise can be done either standing or sitting in an up-right position. Make sure to maintain a… Read more »

Qigong for Lungs to Improve Your Ability to Breathe

sounds in qigong

Qigong is an ancient practice that plays a major role in traditional Chinese medicine, it is the method in which a person can control the balance of their own Qi or life energy as it flows throughout their body.  Qigong for lungs exercises are a combination of conscious breathing methods, physical movements that are centered… Read more »