Author: Sifu Jeff Patterson

Is Tai Chi for Depression Therapy Effective?


The number of people dealing with at least some level of depression in this country has been rising for a number of years. It seems that the more technological and fast paced we become the harder dealing with the ins and outs of everyday life can before a large percentage of the population. The most… Read more »

How Does Qigong for Digestion Help with Both Digestion and Weight Loss?

Qigong for Digestion

If you have ever observed someone practicing Qigong for digestion and weight loss, you could easily be led to believe that this practice is all about the physical movements or forms that you are seeing. While they are in fact a very important part of the whole picture, they are only a small part or… Read more »

How to Do: Standing Meditation (Yiquan)

standing posture guide

Yiquan is one of the Taoist meditative arts in the same family as Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Bagua, and Hsing-i.  It translates to Intent – Fist (or grasp) and focuses on the strengthening of one root, qi and intent through standing meditation postures.   Resident artist and instructor Willem has produced a reference for key… Read more »

Your guide to successfully changing your life.

Ever worked out/dieted to loose weight only to get little or no result? Given up your efforts out of frustration? Repeated that cycle countless times? Let’s interrupt that pattern. Enter the lifestyle hack. Lifestyle hacking is the idea of making small adjustments to your habits and patterns to produce better results and increased performance. We… Read more »

Practicing Qigong for High Blood Pressure

The incidence of hypertension in this country is rising at an incredible rate as our lives become more complex and stressful, while our diets steadily decline with every processed meal we eat. At the same time sales of blood pressure medication are soaring as most believe that this is the only way to control their… Read more »

Staying Grounded With Your Tai Chi Practice

Tai Chi Root

When practicing Tai Chi & Qigong we end up dealing with some pretty subtle stuff.  Concepts that we can’t touch or feel like qi or intent and fine skills like quality of breath and “sticking” are easy to go off track with.  Once we go off the rails, we can spend years wandering on dead-end… Read more »