Turning to Qigong for Stress Relief

Stress Relief

No matter how you look at it, the vast majority of us live stress filled lives. We spend our days at work trying to meet all but unobtainable goals, dealing with supervisors and coworkers, then go home to soccer games, scout meetings and more. The amount of stress many of us live under can quickly become overwhelming and while many turn to their doctors for prescription medication that do no more than mask the real problems, many are now turning to Qigong for stress relief as a more natural alternative.

The Chinese have been practicing Qigong for stress relief and many other physiological and mental issues for somewhere around 5000 years or more. It is said that there are upwards of 10000 different styles of Qigong, but it has only been in the last 50 years or so that this ancient traditional form of Chinese medicine has truly been seen outside of China. As most of us know, stress can cause an amazingly large number of medical problems in the human body ranging from high blood pressure to stroke and heart attack.

While many of us live with high levels of stress in our lives, in the end it is how we choose to deal with it that is going to make the big difference. Far too many of us turn to our doctors and the cornucopia of drugs that they have access to in order to get some measure of relief from the stress. While this will definitely provide some form of temporary stress relief, it does so at a cost. Many of these drugs have serious side effects that no one should have to deal with. With Qigong for stress relief you get all of the advantage with none of the ill effects.

With most if not all of the medications that are currently being used to “treat” stress, your doctor is going to tell you that you can only take them for a very limited time. This means that if you have not found another way to deal with your stress by the time you have to kick the medicine habit, you are going to be right back where you started.  This can be a big problem as once the stress returns, the problems that come with it can be worse than before.

However, you might be surprised to find that while they may still prescribe medication to help you get started, many doctors are now recommending that you enroll in classes such as Qigong for stress relief to supplement and then replace the medication. Keep in mind that chances are good that you really do not need the medication as taking part in Qigong practice can provide you with all of the stress relief you need.

The other very important factor to remember here is that while you can only take the medications for a very short period of time, Qigong for stress relief is something that you can practice for the rest of your life no matter what you are doing or where you are and it will continue to have the same effect and help to improve your overall health and keep you energized as your Qi will be balanced at all times.

This 4-Count Breathing Exercise Can Help With Stress Relief


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“My stress level is down.. I’ve lost nine pounds [in less than 2 months]… I enjoy it!”

-Becca, A happy new member of our Qigong and Tai Chi community